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Korea Herald]Rape suspect denies all charges

2010. 3. 12. 22:53 | Posted by 예섬수진
Rape suspect denies all charges
Rape - 강간
Suspect - 용의자 / 의심하다
charge - 혐의, 기소, 고소 / 기소하다, 고소하다

[글쓴이 / 기사 날짜]
By Bae Hyun-jung / 10.03.12

[본문 내용]
The suspect in the rape and murder of a teenage girl, who was arrested in Busan on Wednesday, is denying all charges against him, police said yesterday.
murder : 살인
arrest : 체포하다
against : ~에게 불리한

Kim Gil-tae, 33, repeated denials of his charges though his DNA was found in the victim's body, said Kim Young-sik, deputy head of the Busan Metropolitan Police Agency.
victim : 피해자
deputy : 대리인
Metropolitan : 대도시의
Agency : 정부기관

He was suspected of kidnapping, raping and murdering 13-year-old Lee Yu-ri, who was found dead on Saturday inside a rooftop water tank just 100 meters away from her house after disappearing on Feb. 24.
kidnap : 납치하다, 유괴하다
rooftop : 옥상

She had been suffocated to death after being raped, said police officials.
be suffocated to death : 질식해서 죽다.

Kim, however, claimed that he had never seen Lee and that he only ran in fear of being caught for his past offenses, according to officials.
claim : 주장하다, 요청하다
caught : catch의 과거, 과거 분사
offense : 죄, 범햄 / 죄를 짓다, 범행을 저지르다

Kim was released last June after having served time in jail for both rape and attempted rape. He was also wanted for a suspected case of rape which occurred last January.
release : 풀어주다, 석방하다.
serve : (교도소에서) 복역하다.
wanted : 수배 중인

"I found out through police leaflets that I was the suspect in the case and feared that I may be falsely charged because of my past offenses," officials quoted Kim as saying during questioning.
leaflet : (광고나 선전용) 전단
※ police leaflet : 수배 전단
falsely : 거짓으로
quote : 인용하다, (남의 말을 그대로) 전달하다, 옮기다