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[제목]Spread of H1N1 virus slowing in recent weeks
H1N1 : 신종 인플루엔자A (H1N1)

[게시 일자]2010.03.16

The spread of the H1N1 virus in Korea has been slowing sharply in recent weeks, with fewer infections being reported, the nation's health authorities said Tuesday and Yonhap News reported.
fewer : ~ 보다 소수의(적은)
infection : 감염
health autoorities : 보건 당국

According to the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, the number of people showing flu-like symptoms per 1,000 outpatients fell to 2.8 during the 10th week of this year from 3.3 the previous week. The 10th week refers to the period from Feb. 28 to March 6.
Ministry : (정부의 각) 부처
welfare : 복지
family affairs : 가사
flu-like = Resembling influenza (resemble : 유사하다 / incluenza : 유행성 감기)
outpatient : 외래 환자, 통원 환자 ※ outpatient treatment : 통원치료

The rate stood at 9.69 during the first week of this year but has been falling steadily ever since, indicating that the infection rate of the highly contagious disease is subsiding. The ministry expects the rate will fall below 2.6 in the following week, a benchmark level that determines the government's move to issue or withdraw a flu watch.
stood : stand의 과거 (stand at : ~에 서다)
contagious : (접촉을 통해) 전염되는, 전염성의
subside : 가라앉다, 진정되다
indicate : (조짐, 가능성을) 나타내다, 보여주다
benchmark : 기준
move : 조치, 행동 (move to do)
issue : 발표하다. 공표하다.
withdraw : (뒤로)물러나다, 철수하다
flu : 독감
watch : 주시