영어 공부/KoreanHerald
Korean Herald]Cambodians banned from marrying Koreans
2010. 3. 20. 01:15
[제목]Cambodians banned from marrying Koreans
S be banned from Sth / doing Sth : S에게 Sth 하는 것을 금지하다
The Cambodian government has imposed a provisional ban on international marriages with Koreans, citing fears of human trafficking, an official at the Korean embassy in Cambodia said Friday, according to Yonhap news agency.
The Cambodian government has imposed a provisional ban on international marriages with Koreans, citing fears of human trafficking, an official at the Korean embassy in Cambodia said Friday, according to Yonhap news agency.
impose : (새로운 법률, 세금 등을) 도입하다, 시행하다
provisional : 임시적인
cite : (이유, 예를) 들다
human trafficking : 인신매매
embassy : 대사관
provisional : 임시적인
cite : (이유, 예를) 들다
human trafficking : 인신매매
embassy : 대사관
"The Cambodian government has informed the Korean embassy in Cambodia
early this month that it will suspend receiving applications for
international marriage between Cambodians and Koreans," the official
told Yonhap News Agency by phone. "The government again confirmed this
in a formal document sent to the embassy on March 5."
suspend : (공식적으로) 중단하다
receive applications : 신청을 접수하다
receive applications : 신청을 접수하다
The restriction pertains only to Korea because nearly 60 percent of
international marriages in Cambodia involve Korean nationals, and most
of them are arranged through brokers, the official said.
restiction : 제한
pertain only to : ~에만 해당된다 = to be connected with a particular subject, person, event or situation
involve : (누가 어떤 일에, 특히 무슨 범죄에) 연루되었음을 밝히다, 관련이 있음을 보여주다
pertain only to : ~에만 해당된다 = to be connected with a particular subject, person, event or situation
involve : (누가 어떤 일에, 특히 무슨 범죄에) 연루되었음을 밝히다, 관련이 있음을 보여주다
national : (특정 국가의) 국민
arrange : 마련하다, (일을) 처리하다
broker : 중매인
arrange : 마련하다, (일을) 처리하다
broker : 중매인
Cambodia has banned marriage brokerage since 2008, allowing only "love
matches." Despite the ban, the number of Cambodian women marrying
Korean men more than doubled from 551 in 2008 to 1,372 last year.
marriage brokerage : 결혼 중개업 = a business that arranges marriage contracts
love match : 연애결혼
despite : ~임에도 불구하고
love match : 연애결혼
despite : ~임에도 불구하고
The latest measure came amid news reports in the Southeast Asian nation
that a clampdown on marriage brokers in Vietnam has made neighboring
Cambodia the new destination for Korean men seeking to "buy" wives.
They denounced the practice of men choosing mainly poor women as wives,
calling it "human trafficking."
measure : (판단, 측정의) 척도,기준
amid : (특히 흥분, 공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데 ※ come amid : ~하는 가운데 나왔다.
amid : (특히 흥분, 공포심이 느껴지는) 가운데 ※ come amid : ~하는 가운데 나왔다.
news report : 뉴스 (기사)
southeast : 남동의
clamdown : 단속
neighboring : 인접한 = adjacent
seek to : ~하려고 시도하다
destination : 대상
denouce : 맹렬히 비난하다
pratice : 관행, 관습
southeast : 남동의
clamdown : 단속
neighboring : 인접한 = adjacent
seek to : ~하려고 시도하다
destination : 대상
denouce : 맹렬히 비난하다
pratice : 관행, 관습