영어 공부/KoreanHerald

KoreaHerald]Lee blasts N.K. for ‘provocation’

예섬수진 2010. 5. 23. 02:56

[Title]Lee blasts N.K. for ‘provocation

           Blast = criticize 혹평하다, 맹비난하다

           Provocation : 도발, 자극

[Update Date]2010.05.21


President Lee Myung-bak (on Friday) / urged a “stern and systematic” response / toward North Korea / for a clear military provocation / against the South. //

           Urge : 강력히 권고하다/촉구하다

                     Ex> The situation is dangerous and the UN is urging caution.

           Stern : 엄격한


“(The provocation act) also violates the U.N. Charter, (the Armistice Agreement and the South-North Basic Agreement,)/ the president said / during a meeting of the National Security Council,/ according to the presidential office of Cheoung Wa Dae.//

           Charter : (조직의 원칙, 목적 등을 명시한)헌장, 선언문

                     Ex> the United Nations Charter : 국제 연합 헌장

           Armistice[ɑ:rmɪstɪs] : 휴전(협정)

                     Ex> Make an armistice : 휴전하다

           Council[kaʊnsl] : 협의회

           Presidential office : 대통령 집무실